The Queen's Written Challenge

Lulu gains an adversary!

Tenjouin Saki

The attention Lulu has received from the male student body has caused Saki some jealously so she challenges her to a bikini show-off. Unfortunately, due to Lulu's absent minded nature and another of her wild inventions, she loses the challenge letter and is oblivious to the challenge.

A still of one of the many ways/places Lulu tries to find the challenge letter in.

Since Lulu doesn't show up for the contest Saki decides to hold Rito hostage and 'take' him if she refuses to show. While Saki is in the process of about to 'take' Rito, Zastin is chasing Lulu's wild invention for info on the challenge letter. He ends up crashing into Saki on the contest stage, inadvertently saving Rito.

To Saki's misfortune, Lulu's invention eats her bikini. Due to this embarrassment, she and her two friends stalk Lulu and Rito and find out that Lulu has some sort of secret to hide. To find the secret they attempt to break into Rito's home and spy on Lulu. They end up running into the security system Zastin put in to protect Lulu. While running away from flame throwers, slime and tentacles Saki falls into a shaft. The shaft leads her directly to Lulu's room where she finds a place to hide to spy on Lulu. She accidentally pushes a secret button and causes Lulu's room to change into an escape pod and launches them toward space. Zastin attempts to rescue them.

[Technology of Over Level Operation for Very heavy command to Electronic control unit る ・・・ るい ・ る ・ る ・   「るんけ」 ]
(last hiragana character is a little blurry, dunno if its け or り. and the るい part could be wrong too. If last word is ろんり it could be hiragana for logic... then again the whole thing doesn't make sense so whatever lol)

While Zastin is trying to rescue, Lala is trying to figure out how to stop it as well. She hits all the wrong buttons and ends up blowing up the rescue team. This causes enough shock to the room the sliding window opens and sucks Saki out. Lulu saves Saki as she passes out during the free fall to earth but unfortunate to Saki she comes to too late, as Lulu's invention had eaten her clothing again.